
  • 2019-present: Teaching assistant - TU Delft - Crowd Computing (MSc course). Responsible for grading assigments, proposing topics for literature surveys and for group projects on human-AI collaboration with crowdsourcing, and supervising students on these topics.

  • 2019-present: Teaching assistant - TU Delft - Web Information System seminar (MSc course). Responsible for grading assigments, proposing topics for literature surveys and supervising students on these topics.

  • 2021: Teaching assistant - TU Delft - Applied Machine Learning (inter-faculty MSc course). Responsible for designing and grading assigments for the set of responsible AI lectures (introduction to ML fairness).

  • 2021: Teaching assistant - TU Delft - Web Science Engineering (MSc course). Responsible for designing and teaching introductory lectures to responsible AI (especially ML fairness).

  • 2021, 2022: Project supervisor - TU Delft - Research project (BSc thesis project). Responsible for providing BSc thesis topics for groups of 5 BSc students, and weekly supervising the students.

  • 2021: Project supervisor - TU Delft - Software project (second year BSc). Responsible for providing the requirements and mock-ups for an envisioned software, and weekly supervising a group of 5 BSc students to design and implement this software.

  • 2019-now: Student supervision - TU Delft - Master thesis projects and Honours Program. Responsible for developing in collaboration with individual BSc and MSc students their topics for a thesis or the Honours Program, and weekly supervising the students until they submit their theses.